so when i park in a certain part of hollywood/la my seat moves while i'm away. i have electronic seats, so they do and can move on their own. and i guess it's a feature, to have the seat move for different remotes entries for the car, but i only have the one key, and i'm not short. the seat always raises while i'm away. i'm imagining a short person (read midget) borrowing my car while i'm away. but only when i'm near wilshire or van ness.
i've been working super early in the morning. which is hard. it's especially hard when there are thing going on in the evening that i want to do, but can't because i have to rise at 5am.
i've started using my slr camera again. i hope that my pictures turn out good.
last night herman barked almost every two hours. which sucked, when it was like four in the morning, and i was desperate for just one more hour of precious sleep.
i'm making frozen lasagna for supper. very easy.
Posted by jack. | 
over half my list updated today. it must be international blog day.
i started writing a little again. my brain got all a churnin after a few people posted some comments about ordinary/normal relationships between situation and character. it's inspired me to think more about my character as someone who doesn't want what he gets, but has to deal with it in order to get back to normal. sounds more like a plot than what i had before--some kid gets cool powers and pulls pranks on people. where's the story there?
so my new story starts more in the middle of things. they are already researching heisenberg, and trying to get funding for their further research. that makes explaining how they met and how things started a moot point--they are already--although i'll come up with something to explain it,,,i don't have to show it.
i worked on my biology again yesterday. it was weird, doing school work. i'm glad i didn't go to a teach yourself everthing college.
i've been working sporadically. i don't mind it, as long as it becomes more normal eventually.
Posted by jack. | 
i remember when scott said that his band was going to be named, "clever and original", just so that they could come on stage and say, "we're clever and original." i wish my blog headlines were clever and original. maybe someday.
since we last spoke, much has happened. i'm on task to work two jobs. well, three, kindof. you see, i've been working at this place, for about three months, but it's always been a night here, and day here, and another night here. not really solid, steady work. so, i was looking into getting other work. putting the feelers out there. so this job happened upon me, it's at fiftyfootfilms and it's a friend of a friend from church, who reccomended me to him. and we've talked a few times, he's had my name for a long time. well, i called him up and was like, i'm free, got any work? and he was like....leave a message after the beep. so after some fono tag, we gathered at the same place and worked there for a few days. it was a great time. his editor was away, so i worked during the days, doing assistant work. then, xlt calls me back, and they are like, we're doing a sequel, and we want you back. so now i'm working there, full time, and i may be working part time at fiftyfoot, starting next week.
i'm quite excited about all of this. it's good to be working. good to be excercising my brain.
question that i thought of today, would you rather see a movie, or hear a story about, extraordinary people in normal situations? or normal people in extraordinary situations?
there are two more combinations, normal people in normal situations, and extraordinary people in extraordinary situations. the latter is probably what normal people in extraordinary situations often becomes...
my gut reaction is i like extraordinary people in normal situations. but then i think about normal people dealing with crazy situations, i'm quite appealed to that as well. which are you drawn to?
i was just thinking about my movies that i've made, and then, the screenplay that i wrote, and they fall into a lot of, normal people in normal situations. although the screenplay is more a normal person who becomes extraordinary and wants to be normal--thrown into normal situations. but i think it'd be better if he had to be in extraordinary situations, if didn't want to be extraordinary. does that make any sense?
i have the vincent gallo cd that my good friend matthew gave me when i visited him once, and whenever i hear the first song i think, i know that song, where i have heard that song before. once i was in the car and was almost freaking out about, and jasmine was like, i don't know! and then i realized,
it was in my first lafsc movie. how pathetic is that. and weird. to be driven crazy by your own music tastes.
herman is well. i came home early from work today, which was a pleasant surprise for him i think.
Posted by jack. |