a man a part

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My break for christmas is turning out to be a little longer than expected. I don't mind, except for the fact that I'd like to be making money again. I guess it will even itself out, I'm bound to get busy later. I'm trying to write today, but I'm getting really distracted by facebook. Early on in all this MySpace Facebook stuff I kinda decided without really saying anything that I really didn't want to be a part of it. It was and is nothing personal against those who are into it, I just wasn't going to be one of them. Well. I now have a myspace and a facebook. And I'm happy to have them. It's crazy when you sit down to look at all the people you know across the globe, and another way to keep in touch with them is welcomed in my world.

The dogs are a little stir crazy today. Marisa was whining this morning, so we played a little, which was fun. Herman keeps seeing and smelling the neighbors dog and freaking out. He's a big dog, and I think he could eat Herman in 6 bites, but Herman is always barking at him. Then Marisa joins in, because Herman is barking. It's entertaining in that outside of the situation way. In the situation it's kinda annoying.

We had a fantastic birthday dinner.

Regina Spektor is singing in my speakers. Her friends, Mirah, Iron & Wine, Gorillaz, and Bright Eyes have graced my drums today too.

Hope your days are well.

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I wandered on to facebook for the first time in early December. I saw pictures of people I had not seen in many moons. I realized that going against the machine is different than using the machine in a proper manner. I believe I will hunt and gather those dear to me via these new technologies. Hey, if Jacks doing it...

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