a man a part

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

tooth of every month

Capturing dogs with a camera is hard. They like to move about. They also don't continue in doing the cute thing their doing long enough to go find the camera, make sure it has batteries that are charged, get back into the room where cuteness is happening, and then take the picture. What is their deal, can't they wait for that to happen?

kingman was fun. We got to see a lot of people that we haven't seen in quite some time. Some new people too. I like visiting, but wouldn't want to stay, even if they have dirt cheap rent. rent is downright annoying. every month you have to pay someone to live in their house? c'mon!

I'm going back to work today. It was a long break. I hope this week is full of things to do.

short blog.

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Sorry about breaking off the g-chat with you, I was too sleepy from booze and no supper.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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