a man a part

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

tuesday media event

well, i don't have that much media to talk about. i saw narnia last thursday eve/friday morning. despite my roomies criticisms of the movie, i really liked it. I have not read the books. i know gasp. what kind of christian am i? well, i'm the kind that always wanted to, but never did read the narnia books. i know, i know everyone did. and then again in high school, and then in college for kicks, but i didn't. so i was fascinated by the story. i thought it was fantastic. i could see some parts coming like, aslan sacrificing himself, but i didn't know he'd be back so soon. i was truely intrigued and interested by the film. so many people are comparing it to lord of the rings. my roomies hail it as the one of the best series/films ever and they praise peter jackson for his epic abilities. it's so much different than lotr though. it's not an epic 12 hour story. it's one story. it actually ends after one movie. i really like that. lotr is great, but it never ends. it keeps going and going and going and going. it's my constant battle against long movies. unless i never have to look at my watch, it's usually too long. what a bold statement. this from a guy who claims dogville as one of his favorites which is how long jack? well....umm....it's like, 2.5-3 hours of pure torture.

anywho. i like it. both, i guess, dogville, narnia, mmmgoood. and i didn't think disney killed it. and i think the next ones could be even better. but i don't know the stories. because....i haven't read the books.

family guy volume three. that's the other thing i watched recently. it may have just been the episodes that i watched, but, man, they are really mean to meg in the third volume. i was honestly taken aback. i guess that's family guy's thing though. nothing is sacred. mostly i just didn't see it coming. but it's funny. stewie rocks. as do brian and chris.

in other news, they are redoing our street, which means we can't park there, which is really, really not cool. everybody has a car. everybody parks on the street. when i get back at 12am-3am it's hard enough to find a spot, now i can't even park on our street along with everyone else!

well. that's about it. jasmine and i have the day off tomorrow together. that'll be fun.


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i loved narnia as well, and have also never read the books. but i thought the movie was pure bliss and i'd actually be willing to watch it again tomorrow if i'd the chance, which i can't say for any of the lotr movies, although i did like them.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


Yeah, Jack, I agree that Narnia and LOTR are different movies and they probably reflect some of the differences between Tolkien and Lewis. Can you imagine hanging out with those guys? I imagined it one time. Then I vomitted because of how dumb I am compared to them.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


Jack... I just like you and your face...that's it.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


reid i regret not knowing you better.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


I dunno if the new one is any good, but the old 80's BBC version of the first book is FANTASTIC.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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