a man a part

Sunday, December 04, 2005

he said that?

these are different celebrity's answers to what they are watching/what they thing the best thing to happen in 2005. can you guess who said these quotes?

1. "The best album of the year so far is Arcade Fire's Funeral. The title makes it sound like it's all doom and gloom, but it's actually not. The reason it's called Funeral is because seven members of the band's family died when they were making it. But it's just the most beautiful, sometimes sad and sometimes really uplifting album I've heard recently. Absolutely brilliant."

2. "There is no TV show that means that much to me. But my wife gets sucked into all the reality shows - all of 'em - and forces me to watch. A record that meant something to me this year? Probably Elliot Smith's X0 - I listened to that a lot. For DVD it was Dave Chapelle's Show, for sure. It's a staple. All the episodes are funny. He just pushes the line all the time. I like that."

3. "Capote. It wasn't a straight biopic; it takes a very specific moment in someone's life and talks about that, which is an interesting way of doing things. For music I liked Peter Cincotti - an amazing CD. I listen to a lot of old jazz, and this guy sounds like the real deal. My favorite show is Jon Stewart. He still kills me. It's just so good and he's so smart. "

4. "My favorite movie of the year is probably Constant Gardener. I really like Rachel Weisz; she's such a talented actress and I thought her character was a really strong woman."

( i'll post some clues soon )


1. & 3. Are currently in the movie theatres. #1 Has been the highest grossing for three weeks i believe. #3 is known as a jokester. He also used to be a doctor on TV.

#2 is a rock 'n roll star (he spilled grape juice on the carpet).

#4. was on E! all day the other day. She's legal.

Posted by jack. | | Email post

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oh! she was on E! how do i not know this?????

the first one is that little scamp who plays harry potter. he should know, however, that funeral came out in 2004, not 2005, thus making it ineligible for album of the year THIS year.

everyone's (least?) favourite music elitist prick.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


oh rossy. you're right.

and you're right.

way to be awesome.


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


legal...he, he...nice

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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