of mind and soulmaking off like a lucky
bandit sweet baby
k, midsummer nightmarish
dream jack and jasmine
are getting married
howzit life seoul...
the results are in . . .
i am hilarious
school today
and probably not monday
or tuesday cell phones
add face
recognition long time trying to work
the new camera--apts suck
the state of the union:
i have no stability
where is my mind the
first i may as well go on strike too
hello [from] chicogo, happy!
international pink shirt day!
pure gasoline:pre flight jitters
Posted by jack. | | Email post
nice. I like your line breaks.
first I thought you were being creative, that you made it up, then I saw my post title, then I reread the name and it all made sense, all matter of about 5 seconds. I like it
so, i've caved and gotten a blog here, so if you desire, you can add me to your links. or, you know, if you don't want to, i won't be all that hurt. nay, shattered. anyway, nice poem, you engaged stud you.
so, i'm not the brightest tool in the shed as they say, and linked my very own page incorrectly. http://headsouth.blogspot.com is actually where it is.
Hey Jack. That's a killer top banner thingy on your blog. Make one for me, okay? You know, sometime when you have 2-3 minutes to spare.
I'm glad you're marrying someone I like. I hate it when people I like marry people I only sort of like. I like Jasmine. See you at the engagement bash.
No, wait . .
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