I worked in the Taj Mah'an finished up some polishing for henderson.
Visted an older gentleman that i've done quite a bit of computer work for, and got his old emails back, but i didn't resurrect standby mode--it just disappeared.
Went back to the Taj, realized Jim had set the computer on course to work for him for a while, so i trekked back home.
Spent some time with my mother, deciding what i should take with me to california and prioritizing what is left, if i have room.
packed up some stuff--dvds and books.
wrote in my blog.
Posted by jack. | | Email post
That sounds like a good day Jack. Nothing overly exciting, but beautiful in it's simplicity. Simple days can be my favorite kind. It's a nice change from the rushing around that usually dominiates. Good luck packing and have a wonderful day tomorrow and/or the rest of the day. I always momentarily forget the 6 hour time difference. Smiles!
I am very jealous of your sleep. There should be teacher nap time during the day. or Maybe I'll start a new elective class here. If they would wake me up they fail.
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