a man a part

Saturday, January 28, 2006

do you? do you?

Friday January 27 brought several different moments of laughter, smiles, and blinks. I'm almost done with my work at XLT. My buddy jordan, when i explained to him the situation, said, "it sounds like senioritous, everyone wants to leave, but they don't want to leave all the people." That's exactly how it is. I want to be done with this project, but i don't want to leave this steady work for too long. don't fret, i shall be okay.

I played poker tonight with some friends from church, which brought up some interesting thoughts--most specifically about gambling. It's weird. I have never really been against gambling, as long as you don't do it in excess. Dad always was like, well, it's like paying for a form of entertainment, whether it's a few dollars for an hour, or if it's making a few bucks. But i can't stop thinking about the fact that the money i won, (i won this evening) was someone elses when we all started. it was really fun, i enjoyed myself, and no one was bitter. it was a very fair game, and everyone was very much in control of what they were doing. The thing that scares me most though, is how much i enjoyed it. I mean, you always like winning right? but it's such a mind game, and skill game, and a everything game. I've played poker before without money, and it's just not the same. you don't have anything at stake. your pulse doesn't race when you are bluffing or when you are very unsure of you oppenants hand. i'm not against it right now. but i would be in excess.

i've been thinking about baptism too. to switch gears all together. i remember some people on dordt talk discussing infant vs. adult or believers baptism. their arguemtns were so very uninformed. very, dordt and still in college. i understand what the reformed church believes about baptism and i understand what my current church believes about it too, and i can't say that i disagree with either. our pastor even challenged me at one point, saying something like, "I'd like to hear why you think that [infant baptism]." i felt unprepared and small. that's the thing about believing that the bible is infallible, everyone has their own version of the infallibility. you read it this way, i read it that way. i realize that i'm not really like explaining either position, but it's something that has been on my mind as of late.

i should sleep.


Posted by jack. | | Email post

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hey jack,
this is andrew k. and i'd like your email address.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


hey andrew k. my email address is:

jack.maatman [@] gmail.com

the spaces and brackets removed...

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


mmm... poker. I should play sometime, but i haven't the time... (cry)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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