Like you may or may not have seen, my last film is done. so, all i really have left are three small papers--two reviews and a response--and this screenplay. it is really feeling like the end is near. it's crazy. I'm trying to find work. I'm hoping that i get this travel the road thing, but i'm not sure what is going on with that right now. they haven't kept in very constant communication about the job. I'd like to do that internship with them, so it makes it hard to look for different work. i guess i just have to do it. maybe something more amazing and resume building is out there.
along with the job hunt comes the apartment hunt. if i get the travel the road job, then i won't have to worry about an apartment, but if i don't...then who knows. there are about 3 guys that are staying that i'd like to live with. it's such a chicken or the egg thing. you need the apartment to stay, and to get an apartment you need work. arg.
all in all, this has been a great semester. i can't believe it's about over. i only have 5 more internship days. two more shooting days on the Zombie Rehab movie. And then it's all done. a week of debriefing of sorts, then drive to iowa. and graduate. weird.
well. that's what i've been thinking about lately. hopefully this day of writing is successful. less blog more screenwrite. less talk more rock.
oh, i just remembered. i watched fareinheit 911 again last night. it was for class this time. man i can't stand that movie. as a film it is just horrible. it doensn't hold my attention. the logic strands are so vague and dumb. it's a tinge ironic though. i'm not a big fan of bush, or of the war, but i think i like michael moore, less. that was an awesome sentance. moore less. maaahahaha.
more to come. someday.
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Hi from Cairo. We were talking to Elias Chacour, a Melkite Palestinian Israeli priest(Eastern Catholic--he's an Arab living in Israel) today, and he said something really funny that I thought you might appreciate, Jack. He said, "Bush went so high up in the tree that he forgot he's a bush." A little humor from the Middle East.
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