a man a part

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

un week.

well, it seems that i will be in the sioux center a week from today. i'm not sure how i feel about it, but i guess that i'm excited.

my right hand hurts because i used my computer all day today. i was working illustrator making the press kit for our film, and my mouse is placed in such a fashion that i set the back of my palm of my hand right on top of my computer. my hand is down, because of the angle, and it just pushes on my hand. so now it's sore. i should put it somewhere different if i'm to work on this computer for long periods of time.

i worked from home today. it was kinda different. i had to be more selfmotivated. but it wasn't bad at all. i worked on that press kit basically all day. i like the place that it ended up, so that is good news.

i'm wondering if anyone watched my films, and what you thought. i've talked with some of you, like mom and dad, but i guess, i don't know who else reads this. so if you do and you watched my movies, let me know what you thought. if you don't want your comments to be public, feel free to email me. jckmtmn @ dordt (dot) edu (remove the (dot) and replace it with a '.')is the address of my email. i'm curious what communicated.

i'm reading e-myth, a book about starting small businesses for work. it's interesting. basically this fella, whoever he is, says that you need to have a vision for what your business will be, to accomplish anything. i guess i agree with that. whether or not that is an indicator of whether you do actually succeed is up in the air for me, but it seems like a good idea, to plan.

there was a bit of a fiasco yesterday. you see, we have two sort of filmmaking classes, filmmaking which makes three films, and producing which makes one film. filmmaking concentrates on getting experience and becoming technically skilled and becoming good visiual story-tellers, producing is focusing on the producing aspect of things. organization, and all that. somethign that i'm not terribly fond of, but recognize when it's done well and i do appreciate it. so, the fiasco, producing class is supposed to find people to work on their films from the filmmaking class. they are supposed to fill the three big roles from that class, so, the director, DP (director of photography), and the editor. so, producing students were going around this week, and talking to people and suggesting that we work for them etc. some peole wanted to do more than one thing for different producers. and for what ever sane reason, they figured that was a-ok. well, it wasn't. there are 34 filmmaking students, and 11 films with three roles for each film, totalling 33 roles to fill. so, to double up on roles, say editing and directing would mean someone else wouldn't be able to do that role. so, one role for each person. it's not that big of a deal, but some people really aren't qualified to do any of the three roles. they've never picked up a camera, or edited before this program so to be the editor for someone or the director, is a little scary. taht was the fiasco of it. some people may be upset about who they get to do stuff, and maybe don't get the "best" or whatever. i'm happy with where i am. i'm working with chris, a friend of mine, on a zombie/romantic movie. so it's all good. and the people working on his project are very competent. so it's good. i'm very interested to see how all these final films turn out.

well. that's what's going on with me.

Posted by jack. | | Email post

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Jack, I will send you an email with a critique of the 2 films. I have watched them already....

Posted by Blogger JON MEYERS #  


Jack watched the films and thought they were good.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


jack. i have not watched your films yet because i suck. also because my computer here is apparently unaware of the existence of quicktime. when i am at dordt again, i will bonk dane on the head with a package of frozen hot dogs and steal usage of his computer, at which time i will view your films. that is all.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


I tried to watch you films but failed. I'll try again though.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


any idea why they didn't work mike? was it because they are too big? or what? i can work on getting smaller ones up there if it's needed...

who wrote the first anonymous comment? it sounds like rehn, but that's just a guess.

Posted by Blogger jack. #  


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