a man a part

Friday, October 20, 2006


def. rummikub nation. rumination.

besides eating fried chicken, which is a holy mess of an operation, i really like it.

i find it interesting that others have the same interweb on interest about things like handwriting. i guess maybe somethings are a little more universal than you think. like doodling boxes, which is what i always doodle, some say that's very common. i don't like to think of it as common though, that's semi-depressive.

i am working fairly regularly these days, which i'm quite happy about. i even get to edit a little, which may become more of a normal thing. exciting stuff.

today has felt really random, from trying to export a honeymoon to tape to more test exports. i talked with ethan through said web on intertwines. it was good. we need to see eachother again, because without enough ethan a person can go blind, and blind, is never good, especially if you are of the seeing mentality.

went to the city of angels film festival opening thingy last night. it was a showcase of christian filmmakers who are not students. there were only three films, but two of them were quite good. in fact, one of those two was really good in an almost famous sort of awesome way. i really liked it. "wow and flutter" it's called. i guess that's a term for the lp nation. i never heard of it, and then was laughed slightly at because of my young ignorance. eitherway, the film was good. i couldn't even tell you how long it was, somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes i think.

we've been hitting up the settlers of catan like mad men and women as of late. we've taught upwards of 10 people how to play, now they all want to play again. 'tis good. hopefully we don't get sick of it.

community is weird. in a good way. it seems to be easier when you have something to do, or talk about, but there are always those times where you are talking about seemingly nothing but it's really something, and that something is you, and whether or not i really want to get to know you. even if i can't really talk about me very well. i can talk about catan well, because i know it. i must not know me very well.

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