a man a part

Friday, April 22, 2005

friday the last

this is my last internship day. basically, my last day of the semester. we have stuff next week, like meetings about how awesome we are. and then we talk about the end. we have a banquet, a showing of final acting films, and final producing films, and then it's done. i wrote my last papers yesterday. they may be the last papers i'll write in a long time. crazy.

i'd say this has been a great semester. probably the best. i mean, not much can stack up to contemporary philosophy with everett and stephen and taz, but spending a whole semester with people who know so much about film and story telling, it's wonderful. people who have encyclopedic knowledge. i feel so silly in my own limited knowledge.

saw "Breaking the Waves" this week. it's a Lars von Trier film. lots of sex.

i really liked it. but i'm fairly partial to von Trier. Dogville is the one that he did that i wrote my paper on. this is the one that kinda got him national recognition.

so yea. 5 days till the end of the semester. 10 days until i leave for sioux center.


ps. does anyone know someone in denver? where we could stay for a night?

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