a man a part

Monday, January 31, 2005

Late morning.

well, How's everybody doing? I'm doing well. Here is what's up this week for me, I work today, but since they had a late night last night, I am not starting until 11:30. Tommorrow, I have to pitch an idea for my first film to the class. I'm not sure what i'm going to do yet, but It might be from the "Life's complete instruction book" or it may be an adaptation of "Construction Paper" for those of you who saw the play last semester. i'm going to email adam about using that possibly.the problem there, is i need a great actor. not just some hack, or wannabe, but i need a good actor. so, i may need some more time to get a good actor. so i guess i'm leaning towards the "Life" thing, so that means i need to do some reading, and thinking. then i work again on wednesday. on thursday i need to have a two page treatment of my screenplay idea. for that class, i'm going to be working on a full length screenplay, one idea, one semester. i commited to an idea already too. it's weird too, it wasn't the idea i thought i'd commit too. I'll cut and paste what i read to the class, and show you the one they chose:


Two guys and a girl are in the search for the best buzz. It started with their desire to experience life, but expanded when they would get chills when certain events would happen. They couldn’t pinpoint what was causing these chills, but they liked them. Now they are on a quest to find the best and perfect chill or buzz. On their adventures they try cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. None of these buzzes last and nothing seems to give a life long buzz.


I’m not sure which physicist it is, but one talks about how much space there is between the particles that make up life. He theorized that if you could align your own particles you could walk through walls. While discussing this theory with his friends, our hero decides to work on aligning his own particles for invisibility, pass-ability, and acceptability.

Writing backwards.

This is a story about a boy who can travel through time. What he doesn’t know, is all the ramifications using his gift. Soon he is trapped in a determined world where he has no more free will. Will he be able to travel out of this? Or is he stuck always knowing what will happen next?

those were my three ideas. and we then as a class voted on the one we thought each other should work on. and i really thought it would be the first or the third, but they really really liked the second one. and that was the one i had done the least thinking about. but i guess that happens a lot. the crazy idea you just throw down because you have to, is the one that has spark or pop.

so i have to figure out the story and summarize it in 2 pages. about the boy who tries to walk through walls. (i was totally this kid who thought it would be great to align my particles.)

and then, friday, work again, i don't know what i'm doing at work this week. maybe a little editing. i already have some other things pending, like researching festivals and reading one of their scripts.

anywho, i'm doing well. i had a good weekend. church was good on sunday, i went to the same place, mosaic. well. i sign off.

Posted by jack. | | Email post

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Hey Jack, sounds like you are doing great and working hard. I am suddenly getting a taste of reality this week as well-- teaching hard, kids annoying etc. Anyway thought I would say that I would have probably picked number two as well, but that could just be becuase I am a scientist at heart. Can't what to hear what you come up with. I think Heisenberg might be right- he did alot of work with the electron at least.

Posted by Blogger any mouse #  


I would say #2 as well. It gives you more creativity than the others and complete freedom to express yourself.


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous #  


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